Now, Windows 11 might not be perfect, but Microsoft is constantly refining it. Even in the latest build of Windows ( at the time of writing this article) users complain about not being able to reposition the taskbar and/or not being able to access the right-click menu that comprised customization options. One of the many freshly designed elements includes the Taskbar which houses the Start Menu and quick icons in the center, unlike previous versions. Now you can right-click anywhere on the taskbar and see two options: Task Manager and Taskbar settings.Windows 11 is a complete design overhaul from its previous iterations. Click Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) value and rename it to EnabledStateOptions.Change the Value Data to 2 and click Ok.Rename the value to EnabledState and open it.Select the new key and click Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) value.Right-click the 4 key and select New > Key.Navigate to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FeatureManagement\Overrides\4.Some will prefer this option as it does not involve third-party software and rely on Registry Editor. There is another way to enable right-click to open Task Manager in Windows 11. Type vivetool /enable /id:36860984 and press Enter.

A simple path will make it easier to navigate in Windows Terminal. Download the ViveTool app from GitHub and extract the files in a convenient to you folder.You can check the build number by pressing Win + R and typing winver. Your system should be on Windows 11 build 22621.675 or newer (Stable channel, this will not work on Beta). Start with updating your computer to WindUpdate and its "Moment 1" update.